

Custom WordPress Contact Form


When creating custom WordPress Contact Form, we will be using, the Gravity Form plugin. It provides an array of different forms, including: Advanced Contact Form, Request a Quote Form, Employment Application Form, User Registration Form, Survey Form, Donation Form, eCommerce Form and Event Registration Form.

“Unlock the power of personalized communication with our custom WordPress Contact Form creation service, leveraging the renowned Gravity Form WordPress plugin. As the digital face of your brand, your contact form is more than just a point of connection—it’s an opportunity to make a lasting impression.

Why choose Gravity Form for your WordPress site? Let’s dive into the features, as outlined in their Basic and Pro License:

Basic License Features:

Multi-Page Forms: Break up your forms into multiple pages, ensuring a user-friendly experience and increased completion rates.
Form Templates: Kickstart your form creation with pre-built templates, saving you time and effort.
Conditional Logic: Display or hide fields, sections, or even buttons based on user selections, offering a dynamic user experience.
File Uploads: Allow users to upload files, making it easier for them to share documents, images, and more.
Limit & Schedule Forms: Control when your form is visible to users, either by setting a maximum number of entries or scheduling its availability.
Pro License Features (includes all Basic features plus):

Polls: Engage your audience with interactive polls, gathering valuable insights directly from your website.
User Registration: Seamlessly integrate user registration and login functionalities into your site.
Advanced Post Creation: Allow users to submit custom posts, testimonials, or reviews directly through the form.
Quiz: Test user knowledge or gather feedback through customizable quizzes.                 Signature: Add a digital signature field, perfect for contracts or agreements.

Agile CRM: Streamline sales, marketing, and service automation, ensuring a cohesive user experience.

Breeze: Simplify project management, allowing for efficient task tracking and team collaboration.

Capsule CRM: Manage relationships and sales pipelines effortlessly, ensuring no lead goes unnoticed.

Dropbox: Enable users to upload files directly to your Dropbox, ensuring secure and organized storage.

Help Scout: Enhance customer support by integrating a help desk, ensuring timely and effective responses.

Mollie: Offer diverse payment methods, catering to a global audience and ensuring seamless transactions.

Paypal Checkout: Provide a trusted payment gateway, ensuring secure and quick transactions.

Pipe Video Recording: Allow users to submit video messages or feedback, adding a personal touch to interactions.

Slack: Get instant notifications of form submissions, ensuring real-time communication and prompt responses.

Square: Integrate another trusted payment solution, catering to a wide range of payment preferences.

Stripe: Offer a seamless checkout experience with this popular payment gateway, ensuring user trust and security.

Trello: Organize form submissions into boards and lists, ensuring systematic tracking and follow-ups.

Twilio: Enhance communication with SMS notifications, ensuring timely updates and alerts.

Zapier: Automate workflows by connecting your form to thousands of apps, ensuring efficiency and integration.

Zoho CRM: Streamline customer relationship management, ensuring every interaction is tracked and optimized.

With the integration of these additional Pro features, our custom WordPress Contact Form becomes a powerhouse of functionality. Whether you’re looking to enhance communication, automate workflows, or manage projects, our service ensures your form is not just a point of contact but a comprehensive tool tailored to drive results and enhance user experience.

The benefits of integrating a custom WordPress Contact Form using Gravity Form are manifold. Not only do you get a highly functional and interactive form, but the flexibility of the plugin ensures it can evolve with your needs. Whether you’re looking to gather feedback, register users, or simply provide a point of contact, our service ensures your form is tailored to your specific requirements.

Invest in a solution that not only facilitates communication but enhances user engagement. With our custom WordPress Contact Form creation service, you’re not just getting a form—you’re getting an experience.”

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Type of form

Basic, Pro


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